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Showing posts from 2017

The Hard Truth: Sisterhood

     I was recently asked to write for a new website called the Female Athlete Mission. So much of what they stand for is sisterhood, love, compassion, and obviously trying to live a faith-filled life. I wanted so badly to write about the bonds of sisterhood and how our relationships should reflect the acceptance and boundless love that we are shown by Jesus. I started writing but I felt a little tug on my heart.       I just wasn’t right. And I had no business writing this because of my personal life. There was a friendship that had been scorched by the fires of jealousy, insecurity, and just straight up pettiness. Ugh I hate to confess this. But pride hates to apologize.      Proverbs 15 says, “a gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.” LOL I am not your tight lipped, sweet smiling, let you walk all over me type of Proverbs 31 woman. I have ALWAYS struggled with this mold I feel like I need to fit into ...

I'm Engaged!

As engagement announcements flood my timeline I just want to share this article, this well written, beautiful article that serves as a reminder. But first, a few things that my young and inexperienced self have learned over the last few years.  I’m not engaged. But I want to be. This doesn’t mean what you think, bare with me. Something I've learned the last few years, through experiences of my own and my friends, is that you can be with someone, and still feel completely alone. No, its not all their fault you feel this way. So you can't blame them when it's over. As much as you'd like to, it only eases the pain temporarily. We figure, if we blamed him or her, for all the reasons that this didn’t work out, blamed them for all the pain, then it would all disappear, In a perfect world we'd feel great and move on.  Wrong! I realized that one, it was a heart issue. Not his, but mine. I looked for love in the wrong place. Don’t get me wrong, when dating some...

Why Do We Doubt?

Ever heard the story of Peter walking out to Jesus on the water? If not, [Matthew 14:22] basically, there was a raging storm, and the men on the boat were absolutely terrified. Then, there appeared Jesus on the water. Peter asked, if it's really you, beckon me out to you. So Jesus said, come. Peter walks out, and is walking on waves. Not just still water, but humongous storm sized waves. Then, he starts to look around and begins to sink. H e was afraid and, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Jesus grabs his hands and pulls him up, then responds, "You of little faith. Why did you doubt? " And when they both got on the boat the men rejoiced saying, "Truly YOU ARE the Son of God!"  I was reminded of this story reading a book. (How's Your Soul? By: Judah Smith) And while reading this book, I honestly had tears streaming down my face. Let me explain why.  Peter. Was face-to-face with The Savior. And STILL he doubted. He could physically reach out and touch the Lord...