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Insta-Comparison- Why You're a Masterpiece.

8:05 AM my alarm goes off. 
Almost instinctively I know I have about 15 minutes to quickly check Instagram/Twitter before popping out of bed, getting dressed, and heading to the practice field. 

As I scroll through my feed I see my friends, my family, lots of different sports accounts, inspirational quotes and then, I click on the “explore” page...

Behold! Pictures of girls in bikinis, girls in thongs, girls lifting weights in bikinis and thongs. There are girls drinking “tiny tea” (or whatever that crock of crap is) I see fitness pages with girls donning sports bras and matching spandex. I see makeup tutorials, fake boobs and eyelash extensions. I see ginormous diamond rings, “before and after” pictures, and lots, and lots, and LOTS of pictures of Beyonce. (Note: Beyonce is definitely cool) But these images are flooding our minds! They are affecting how we see ourselves! They're also influencing the societal definition of beauty.

Magazines, Twitter, Instagram, Reality TV Shows. Images are constantly flooding our brains. As women, we are subconsciously affected by images. These images can be good, or bad make us happy, or sad. (that wasn’t on purpose I swear.) And, we are definitely all guilty of comparing ourselves to others as well. I have decided to make a conscious effort to stop this comparison. And I suggest that you try to do so. 

AND HUGE SIDE-NOTE TO GUYS!!!! PLEASE, PLEASE stop comparing us girls and women to these models, fitness instructors, bikini clad barstool sports chicks, and frankly, stop comparing us to ANYONE at all. These pictures you see? Ever heard of photoshop? I'm a busy girl, my job isn't working out all day to post a picture of my "bikini body".  Men, please don't idolize these images. You are feeding into the self-consciousness some girls hold. You should be uplifting. You should guard your own eyes and shield your heart from images that could compromise your heart.

(PS if you have a body and put on a bikini you have a bikini body, just throwing that out there.)

There’s a well known quote by Theodore Roosevelt, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” 


What a powerful word. When I think about a thief I think of something being taken from me. That someone, somewhere had the audacity to steal from me. Now put that into play with comparison. We are stealing our own joy. 

Every single one of us have been made to be completely unique, and that is absolutely beautiful in my opinion. There is a peace in knowing that there is no mold we are supposed to force ourself to fit into. We were made for God, and by God, until we can accept that, we will never feel enough. We will continue to try to force ourself into a mold we don’t fit into. God’s creations fit NO mold. We are moldless (haha I just had to). But seriously, go watch a sunset, or better yet, a sunrise. The way the colors mix and streak together and the sun slowly falls into the shadows in beautiful and magical. I love seeing the sunset on the beach here on the west coast (even prettier in a Midwest field ;) personal opinion ). But, that’s how God sees us. As a beautiful, one of a kind, masterpiece. Yes, you are a masterpiece! Surely God must enjoy those who see themselves that way! In Song of Solomon God says, You are beautiful!! And yes, dear, you are.

Another side note, (Any guy that is worthy of your love will see you this way^ as an original, beautiful, breath-taking masterpiece from God. If he's telling you to be someone you're not, or asking you to change, then he is not worth a pretty hair on your head.)

We compare ourselves to celebrities, strangers on Instagram, people in reality shows, and our friends. If maybe you're worried you won’t find love from a man because of the way you look, and therefore feel you must change yourself, then you’re wrong! A woman who’s heart is SO lost in God, completely wrapped up in the comfort of Christ and seeking fulfillment from him is the ultimate way to happily live. When you aim to change your heart, not your appearance, then, you will feel more beautiful. When you think you are so full, that’s when he will reveal and Earthly love to you. 
Sisters, friends, strangers or anyone reading this, Please! Put your heart in His hands, and he will put peace in your heart. I promise you. The most amazing and FREEING feeling is to understand that you are more loved than you’ll ever know by the God who created you, in his image, for him, the end! 

“God is within her, she will not fail.” Psalms 46:5 
A simple, but reassuring verse that can be both empowering and comforting.

So back to this whole Instagram thing. Every once in awhile I do see a different type of photograph. Girls who seem to be advertising their normal selves. No, they're not in sexy stilettos and a dress so tight it’s questionable how they got it on in the first place... They're not arching their back to show off their...assets. Sometimes posing with a coffee, a puppy, her daddy, maybe her significant other, or other girlfriends. Maybe hiking, fishing or being outdoorsy. AND maybe they're smiling. A real smile. A smile that comes from sort of way down deep in your heart where there's joy, peace, and hope.  (Maybe she doesn't care about the amount of likes she's receiving.) *GASP* 

      Maybe she’s just living her life to please Christ. Maybe, just maybe, this girl feels so secure with her relationship with the Lord, that she doesn’t feel the need to be half naked in a picture in hopes that she’ll gain male attention from it, because she knows that’s not the kind of male she wants to attract. 

***(Side-note: Ladies: What you advertise, is what you attract. Think about that please.) If you don't understand it email me. Like right now. 

     I know it sounds old school, but would you want your mom to see what you post? (maybe you have a cool mom, not a regular mom) But even your dad to see it? Little sister? God forbid, your Pastor?(had to go there) What about your future what you're posting something you would want your son to look at or your future daughter to see and mimic? What about the man you will one day marry? Do you think he would feel respected if your 1,000 followers have seen your butt cheeks?

     So when you do see these images, or find yourself scrolling 82 weeks back into some almost famous models Instagram just turn off your phone. Seriously, hit the top buttom and stop looking at it. Same thing if you see someone and start comparing yourself to them. Just freeze. And start thinking of things you love about yourself. It sounds cheesy, but it’s like our mommas used to say, “If you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all.” So tell that cruel little voice inside your head to shut up. 

Please don’t think I’m body shaming you in anyway! 
There is nothing wrong with being comfortable with your body. 
There’s nothing wrong with loving your body. 
There’s nothing wrong with saying, “I look great today.”
There’s nothing wrong with feeling beautiful. (because, you are)
You are only complimenting the masterpiece that God created you as!
I'm just saying, let's be mindful of how we protect our eyes, our self-esteem and most importantly our hearts. 

"Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Proverbs 4:23 
(Also reach out to me if you don't understand this or are curious)

Just remember, it is so much more valued to focus on other attributes...

“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness...There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all! Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord will greatly be praised.” Proverbs 31:25-


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