This post is about something that I have battled constantly the past few years of my life. Okay, I'm lying, my ENTIRE life! At one point it completely consumed me to a very low point. And after seeing friends go through the same struggles, I feel compelled to say, enough is ENOUGH! It is time to talk about this openly and honestly.
"My hips are huge."
"I hate my tiny boobs."
"I wish I could have your butt."
"My butt is way too big."
"I have thunder thighs."
"My arms are way too skinny."
"I wish I had a six-pack."
"I'm too muscular and manly."
These are just a few of thousands of phrases I hear daily from my friends, my classmates, teammates, strangers, and myself...
Today, we live in a culture so heavily media based that it's no wonder we are constantly comparing ourselves. We compare ourselves to the latest big name actresses, to the images of our friends (and strangers) we see on Instagram, Twitter, girls in the newest edition of Cosmo, Self, and Women's Health etc. We even go as far to say, "I wish I could change... (insert body part, facial feature, insecurity)."
Stop. Think for a second... that phrase, is completely ridiculous.
So you want to change something about yourself that makes you, you? Let's lay this out. Imagine cooking a really awesome meal, painting a picture, taking a photo, or making/creating something, anything, that you were so proud of. Now imagine someone coming in and saying, "It would be better with more pepper." or "yeah that's a good photo, but the lighting is too dim." What a huge slap in the face! Here you were, putting your heart and soul into harnessing your talent to create something so beautiful and meaningful to you that you could be proud of, and someone flies in and criticizes it and says it needs to be changed. That would feel like crap, right?
When we criticize ourselves that's exactly what we are doing. We were all created by the Lord. The master artist, creator of all. We are his masterpiece. Who, me, a masterpiece? Yes! We are all unique. Each and every one of us were hand crafted and created to look the way we look, talk the way we talk, and to have the personalities we do for a special purpose.
"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my witness to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
And wanting to change that is messing with perfection. You may not think you are perfect, but you are. "But my legs are definitely not as perfect compared to Carrie Underwood..." That's the thing, why are her legs considered "perfect"? Trust me, the girl's got GREAT legs. But how can we compare ourselves to anyone else? That's like comparing apples to oranges. We are all different and that's what is so beautiful... we don't have to compare ourselves to anyone or anything. We weren't made to fit into some mold of perfection. There is no mold! So stop trying to fit into something that is non-existent! That's the freedom that God has given us, and his hope for all of us as his daughters is to love ourselves and see ourselves the way he does.
"The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." Proverbs 14:1
Are you building yourself up, or are you the number one reason why you are crumbling?
I urge us girls and women of today to strive to be beautiful from the inside out. Focus on your heart. If the desires of our heart were worn on our sleeve would we be proud? If the thoughts that we have were spoken out loud would we build ourselves and others up? A life of happiness starts from within. What society tells us is pointless, because society does not tell us what God wants. There is no perfect size of lips or eyes or boobs or butt. Accept yourself. Accept the fact that our Father is absolutely in love with everything that you are and sees you as the most beautiful creature in every way shape and form. Love yourself. And realize, that you are beautiful. Try writing down the things you love about yourself. In our culture we've been raised to criticize ourselves and one another but there is NOTHING wrong with loving yourself. There's no conceitedness in saying, "Hey, I am having a great hair day!" Or, big time right here.. ACCEPTING A STINKIN' COMPLIMENT!!!!!
Do you know what defines a beautiful woman to the Lord? Read Proverbs 31! Choose to be a Proverbs 31 woman. "Beauty is fleeting." It says it RIGHT there smack in front of our faces! It also says... Outer beauty fades. Be energetic. Be strong. Be a hard worker. Extend a helping hand. "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." When she speaks her words are wise. She gives instruction with kindness. These are the virtues that are important, virtues from our heart. The more beautiful on the inside, the more beautiful you truly are.
So as I finish this post, can we all make a promise? A promise to ourselves and to each other as women. We will STOP comparing ourselves to each other or to celebrities. Can we please promise to STOP judging each other when we know how difficult it is to be a woman? We should build one another up and empower each other. Be someone that makes others feel good to be around- not because you tell them what they want to hear, but because you are genuine and honest.
Can we promise that the next time we find ourselves scrolling through someones Instagram page and feel our self-confidence dwindling that we will stop and hit the power button. Look in the mirror and realize that the image looking back at you was an image created by God, for God, and reflects Him. When you struggle PLEASE turn to Psalm it. Read the whole frickin thing! Then read it again! You are fearfully and wonderfully made. How beautiful is that? What a love letter our Father has written to us within the pages of the bible.
As always I am available by email, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Feedback is always appreciated! And if you ever have topic suggestions or questions I am open and available!
Thank you, much love!
This Month's "Do good to feel good" opportunity.
Company: Boogers & Barbarians
What: An adorable children's fashion line
How: Purchase a 5$ 10$ or even 200$ gift here ----> Cick HERE to make a difference
Why: I met Elih and Tess at a charity event my sophomore year before they were inspired to create their own business. They are two of the sweetest girls I have ever met and we hit it off right away! Their love for the Lord and for other people was so inspiring and I can't wait for the launch of their new business! Help empower our fellow sisters!
"My hips are huge."
"I hate my tiny boobs."
"I wish I could have your butt."
"My butt is way too big."
"I have thunder thighs."
"My arms are way too skinny."
"I wish I had a six-pack."
"I'm too muscular and manly."
These are just a few of thousands of phrases I hear daily from my friends, my classmates, teammates, strangers, and myself...
Today, we live in a culture so heavily media based that it's no wonder we are constantly comparing ourselves. We compare ourselves to the latest big name actresses, to the images of our friends (and strangers) we see on Instagram, Twitter, girls in the newest edition of Cosmo, Self, and Women's Health etc. We even go as far to say, "I wish I could change... (insert body part, facial feature, insecurity)."
Stop. Think for a second... that phrase, is completely ridiculous.
So you want to change something about yourself that makes you, you? Let's lay this out. Imagine cooking a really awesome meal, painting a picture, taking a photo, or making/creating something, anything, that you were so proud of. Now imagine someone coming in and saying, "It would be better with more pepper." or "yeah that's a good photo, but the lighting is too dim." What a huge slap in the face! Here you were, putting your heart and soul into harnessing your talent to create something so beautiful and meaningful to you that you could be proud of, and someone flies in and criticizes it and says it needs to be changed. That would feel like crap, right?
When we criticize ourselves that's exactly what we are doing. We were all created by the Lord. The master artist, creator of all. We are his masterpiece. Who, me, a masterpiece? Yes! We are all unique. Each and every one of us were hand crafted and created to look the way we look, talk the way we talk, and to have the personalities we do for a special purpose.
"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my witness to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
And wanting to change that is messing with perfection. You may not think you are perfect, but you are. "But my legs are definitely not as perfect compared to Carrie Underwood..." That's the thing, why are her legs considered "perfect"? Trust me, the girl's got GREAT legs. But how can we compare ourselves to anyone else? That's like comparing apples to oranges. We are all different and that's what is so beautiful... we don't have to compare ourselves to anyone or anything. We weren't made to fit into some mold of perfection. There is no mold! So stop trying to fit into something that is non-existent! That's the freedom that God has given us, and his hope for all of us as his daughters is to love ourselves and see ourselves the way he does.
"The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." Proverbs 14:1
Are you building yourself up, or are you the number one reason why you are crumbling?
I urge us girls and women of today to strive to be beautiful from the inside out. Focus on your heart. If the desires of our heart were worn on our sleeve would we be proud? If the thoughts that we have were spoken out loud would we build ourselves and others up? A life of happiness starts from within. What society tells us is pointless, because society does not tell us what God wants. There is no perfect size of lips or eyes or boobs or butt. Accept yourself. Accept the fact that our Father is absolutely in love with everything that you are and sees you as the most beautiful creature in every way shape and form. Love yourself. And realize, that you are beautiful. Try writing down the things you love about yourself. In our culture we've been raised to criticize ourselves and one another but there is NOTHING wrong with loving yourself. There's no conceitedness in saying, "Hey, I am having a great hair day!" Or, big time right here.. ACCEPTING A STINKIN' COMPLIMENT!!!!!
Do you know what defines a beautiful woman to the Lord? Read Proverbs 31! Choose to be a Proverbs 31 woman. "Beauty is fleeting." It says it RIGHT there smack in front of our faces! It also says... Outer beauty fades. Be energetic. Be strong. Be a hard worker. Extend a helping hand. "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." When she speaks her words are wise. She gives instruction with kindness. These are the virtues that are important, virtues from our heart. The more beautiful on the inside, the more beautiful you truly are.
So as I finish this post, can we all make a promise? A promise to ourselves and to each other as women. We will STOP comparing ourselves to each other or to celebrities. Can we please promise to STOP judging each other when we know how difficult it is to be a woman? We should build one another up and empower each other. Be someone that makes others feel good to be around- not because you tell them what they want to hear, but because you are genuine and honest.
Can we promise that the next time we find ourselves scrolling through someones Instagram page and feel our self-confidence dwindling that we will stop and hit the power button. Look in the mirror and realize that the image looking back at you was an image created by God, for God, and reflects Him. When you struggle PLEASE turn to Psalm it. Read the whole frickin thing! Then read it again! You are fearfully and wonderfully made. How beautiful is that? What a love letter our Father has written to us within the pages of the bible.
As always I am available by email, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Feedback is always appreciated! And if you ever have topic suggestions or questions I am open and available!
Thank you, much love!
This Month's "Do good to feel good" opportunity.
Company: Boogers & Barbarians
What: An adorable children's fashion line
How: Purchase a 5$ 10$ or even 200$ gift here ----> Cick HERE to make a difference
Why: I met Elih and Tess at a charity event my sophomore year before they were inspired to create their own business. They are two of the sweetest girls I have ever met and we hit it off right away! Their love for the Lord and for other people was so inspiring and I can't wait for the launch of their new business! Help empower our fellow sisters!